A Missed Opportunity in Homeschooling: Pumpkin Mold

Just last week, our carved pumpkins, all three of them, molded over within two days of carving. The mold literally connected the top of the pumpkin to the bottom, like something out of Stranger Things or a MeowWolf art installation. And we threw it away. We threw all three of them away.

There was no measuring, no smelling, no researching different kinds of mold or why mold happens, no discussion of the role that mold plays in the biodegradable world, no art journaling, no scientific experiment, no testing of various cleaners prior to molding, no report on how mold affects one’s home or health or life, no…


We just threw away the pumpkins with no forethought or intention. And that was it.

A missed opportunity.

For more about missed opportunities, check out episode 61, Homeschool Fail: Missed Opportunities.


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