Episode 49: Co-Ops Part 3

Let’s plan our co-op year! To run a successful co-op, whether casual or formal, it takes some thought and planning. We share how our planning has evolved over the years and our big plans for the 21-22 school year!



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Show Notes

Scoop on the Coop

Summer break!! Mandi and Jessica are taking a month off the podcast for family vacations, staycations, and other crazy summer fun.

Planning a Co-Op Year

A well planned co-op year gives everyone something to look forward to, allows for flexibility when dates need to be adjusted, sets expectations for the year.


  • leader meeting - to discuss goals for next year

  • post mortem for all - to go through the previous year, discuss what worked and didn’t work, and throw out some theme ideas for next year and task everyone with thinking of events and gathering info to make them happen

  • planning meeting for all - confirm themes, bring calendars to set dates, divvy responsibilities, decide on costs

Communication: Monthly Email or Newsletter

Set up auto emails at the planning meeting to send monthly reminders of events and hosts to help with making adjustments to calendar or leadership as needed.

Co-Op Culture

  • give of yourself - contribute in some way

  • no drama over friendships that blossom within the co-op - not everyone will be bests friends, so sometimes your kids won’t be invited to a birthday party that another co-op friend is. We want everyone to develop organic friendships, but to be careful of being expectations for relationships in the group.

  • RSVP, show-up, be responsible for things you commit to

  • be a positive member of the group, get to know the other moms

  • be willing to nurture all kids and guide them through their friendships without blaming kids or taking offense. Communicate to other moms when conflicts arise - it is how they know to help their kids navigate certain situations.

  • kindness, acceptance, and love

Other Considerations

  • leadership - decide on how many leaders or adding new leaders

  • themes - they can be exciting ways to unite a co-op while everyone independently works on curriculum at home. Last year we did a book club reading 1-2 books per month. This year we are considering a “Trip Around the World” them.

  • costs - consider: pay per event, cost limits, annual dues, dues offset by hosting/planning events

  • mom events: retreat, Galentine’s Day, mom’s nights out (see Mom Friends episode for more ideas!)

  • family events - it’s great to get to know the dads! Consider family holiday events, start/end of school year parties, camping, etc.

Coop Q&A

My little one wants to go to school so badly. She’s super outgoing and so smart, but she’s doing amazing in homeschool. What do I do? Mandi and Jessica agree that co-ops are a huge blessing in this way! Or go find a homeschool community to meet great friends, or sign-up for homeschool enrichment classes. Episodes 32, 33 and 35 have some helpful ideas and resources!

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