Episode 51: Coop Kids Takeover

On a whim we decided to interview our kids and share their thoughts on homeschooling with you! They share what they love, what they don’t care for, and what they hope for in the future. Out of the mouths of babes…



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Show Notes

Ruby (9 years) - loves the flexibility of homeschooling, would be interested in trying traditional school

Micah (11 years)- loves the freedom of homeschooling, finds navigating sibling relationships to be a challenge at times

Sofia (9 years) - loves that she gets to sleep in, isn’t looking forward to studying Space - a topic she didn’t choose

Maisy (7 years) - set a goal of learning to read this year!

Auggie (3 years) - beep-boop.


The kids reference the Christmas homeschool day we has last year where we went through parts of the Gather ‘Round Christmas Unit together.

Well Ordered Language

Space Unit Study

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